Monday, March 2, 2009

We Are Getting Cleaner and Healthier With Each Sale

Thanks to friends, supporters and their fashion forward canines, Astrid was able to pour another cement slab in one kennel at her former shelter, the Santa Cruz Co Humane Society in Nogales, AZ. She met her goal of raising another $175 - the price of the cement slab - and had it on it's way a few days before Valentine's Day. Because of several recent adoptions, some new canine guests of the shelter will be enjoying the healthier surfaces this will provide while waiting for their forever homes. As space frees up at the no kill shelter, dogs thought to be most adoptable are brought in from the Animal Care and Control in Nogales. Animal Care and Control is the agency charged with the rescuing of strays off the streets of this US/Mexico border community and are taken to their holding center where they stay (for 3 days) awaiting pickup by their owners or.....well, you know. More adoptions at the shelter mean lots more room and opportunities for more great dogs.

As exciting as the fashion and glamour of Astrid's Etsy store, Astrid Nicole Etcetera, is she still found time for a few additonal accomplishments. Having met the testing requirements of Therapy Dogs, Inc. back in November, she's begun a regular curcuit of visitations which include living and rehabilitation facilities along with Alzheimer Centers. Just yesterday, Sunday March 1, we spent a couple of hours visiting and talking with the residents of The Havens and The Laurels in Charlotte. Pictured above is Astrid, wearing her Canine Good Citizen bandana, waiting to leave for the ride there. The stories of the pets they have to share are such fun to listen too and we always see how pleased they are when we part ways, reminding them 'see you again very soon'.

Therapy visitations, learning at classes and Day Camp keep this big, black and brown dog along with her family very busy!

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