Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Dog Days Of Summer

Dog Days...they roll around every year and every year we are surprised at how hot and humid they are. The place for everyone, including our dogs, is inside where it is cool. It's kind of hard to just watch our usually active pup just sleep away the days until the hot streak is over, though. One idea that is easy and cool in more ways than one is a time in the afternoon that we designate as story time. 

Astrid and I just happen to have a wonderful book that is filled lots of dog pictures and ideas to talk about with your dog.  Sounds kind of silly on the surface but when we think about it, what better thing to do on a hot lazy afternoon then giving your dog your undivided attention as you read aloud. Our dogs love to hear the sound of our voices...and reading a book together gives us both a reason to have a conversation.

Give it a try! You might feel silly the first couple of times, but soon both you and your dog will look forward to story time..

Dog Sense by Carla Geneder was our choice today. We read about Juliette, Maggie, and Benjie the silkie terrier. We may have enough dog stories and pictures to last us until Fall...or at least until the Dog Days Of Summer are over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Idea..not silly at all..I talk to my dogs like they are human..because I work from home..they sit with me in my office..and listen to me talk on the phone..they come over to get petted..and feel they are part of it..I also believe they love hearing our matter what we tell them..secrets or just venting to them..