Monday, July 25, 2011

What Kind Of Dog Is That?

If you have a dog, I'm sure you have been asked the perennial question 'what kind of dog is that'. Because of media backed bias against some breeds of dogs plus the fact that lots of people really don't know one breed of dog from another, I've become quite creative when asked that question. I've replied that Astrid is an all American dog, a carpenter in does all odd jobs (herding, pointing, retrieving, etc.) and my current favorite, a mixed up dog. I feel like a traitor to the Rottweiler breed, which Astrid may or may not be part of, much akin to someone asking me my heritage and my hesitating to tell them mostly Swedish with a sprinkling of Irish. I've also played the guessing game with people. I'll take a step back, look at Astrid thoughtfully and say 'what do you think she might be?' My all time favorite reply is 'she looks like a Beagle'.  My replay to that? You might be right! 


nettinu said...

When asked what breed my boy Tyler is. I always respond, he is my favorite breed, RESCUED!

Anonymous said...

I love that...answer..Tyler's mom..great answer!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Astrid, is so special too just like Tyler is..

Anonymous said...

Surprisingly we are asked the same question about Monty. If we are in a 'sassy' mood we answer "Chihuahua mix"!

Astrid looks like she COULD be Swedish /Lapinkoira mix.

Swedish Lapphund 1 (a northern breed used for  herding reindeer, also called the Lapinkoira, and also found in Finland as the Finnish Lapphund.)

I suspect she is part human... LAPINKOIRA-HUMANOID mix?

Hugzzz, your #1 fan; Monty